cPanel Ultimate
cPanel Hosting that’s easy, reliable and lightning-fast.
- Unlimited websites
- Unlimited space
- Unlimited bandwidth*
- 1000 email accounts**
- Unlimited MySQL databases (1 GB ea.)
- 2X Processing power & memory (available for Linux/cPanel only)
- Premium DNS
- 1-year SSL certificate to secure customer data and increase search rankings. Included with annual plans only.***
*We don’t limit the amount of storage and bandwidth your site can use as long as it complies with our Hosting Agreement. Should your website bandwidth or storage usage present a risk to the stability, performance or uptime of our servers, we will notify you via email and you may be required to upgrade, or we may restrict the resources your website is using. It’s very rare that a website violates our Hosting Agreement and is typically only seen in sites that use hosting for file sharing or storage.
**Email account storage is limited to 1000 email accounts with 1 GB of total storage.
***After the initial free year, the certificate will automatically renew at the then-current price until canceled. You can cancel your automatic renewal certificate at any time.
cPanel Deluxe
cPanel Hosting that’s easy, reliable and lightning-fast.
- Unlimited websites
- Unlimited space
- Unlimited bandwidth*
- 500 email accounts**
- 25 MySQL databases (1 GB ea.)
*We don’t limit the amount of storage and bandwidth your site can use as long as it complies with our Hosting Agreement. Should your website bandwidth or storage usage present a risk to the stability, performance or uptime of our servers, we will notify you via email and you may be required to upgrade, or we may restrict the resources your website is using. It’s very rare that a website violates our Hosting Agreement and is typically only seen in sites that use hosting for file sharing or storage.
**Email account storage is limited to 500 email accounts with 500 MB of total storage.
cPanel Economy
cPanel Hosting that’s easy, reliable and lightning-fast.
- 1 website
- 100 GB space
- Unlimited bandwidth*
- 100 email accounts**
- 10 MySQL databases (1 GB ea.)
*We don’t limit the amount of storage and bandwidth your site can use as long as it complies with our Hosting Agreement. Should your website bandwidth or storage usage present a risk to the stability, performance or uptime of our servers, we will notify you via email and you may be required to upgrade, or we may restrict the resources your website is using. It’s very rare that a website violates our Hosting Agreement and is typically only seen in sites that use hosting for file sharing or storage.
**Email account storage is limited to 100 email accounts with 100 MB of total storage.
cPanel Starter
cPanel Hosting that’s easy, reliable and lightning-fast.
- 1 website
- 30 GB storage
- Unmetered bandwidth*
*We don’t limit the amount of storage and bandwidth your site can use as long as it complies with our Hosting Agreement. Should your website bandwidth or storage usage present a risk to the stability, performance or uptime of our servers, we will notify you via email and you may be required to upgrade, or we may restrict the resources your website is using. It’s very rare that a website violates our Hosting Agreement and is typically only seen in sites that use hosting for file sharing or storage.
Cpanel Hosting built for speed, reliability and security.
- One of the fastest Cpanel Website hosting platforms in the industry.
- Optimized for Cpanel Website hosting with expert tweaks you won’t find anywhere else.
- Designed to handle huge traffic spikes with automatic scalability.
- Guaranteed 99.9% uptime and support.
All Plans Include
- FREE email addresses
- One-click install of free applications
- sFTP access to files
- Unlimited Monthly Bandwidth
- Flexible, easy to use control panel (cPanel or Plesk)
- 1 GB storage MySQL linux databases
- NO hidden fees
- 24/7 security monitoring and DDoS protection
- World Class Data Center
- High-performance servers for fast web sites
Your Choice Windows Hosting (Plesk) or Linux (Cpanel)
We use industry-standard control panels giving you the flexibility to choose the platform that works best for your needs. Choose from cPanel for Linux or Parallels Plesk for Windows. If you plan on using a Web application to blog, podcast, or create a shopping cart and you are working with a designer or developer to build your site, check to see what operating system the application needs (Linux or Windows) or what software language will be used, before purchasing your hosting account.
Award-winning security keeps your site safe
Keeping a website secure is a full time job. That’s why our security team is on the job 24/7, monitoring your site for suspicious activity and protecting it against brute force and DDoS attacks.
Cpanel Hosting for your Website Needs
Fast sites = happy visitors![cpanel]()
Did you know a 1 second delay in your website page load time can cause a 7% reduction in conversion? This can have a huge impact on your bottom line which is why we work hard to maintain top page load times in the industry.
- Fastest page load times using cPanel for Linux
- High-performance servers for fastest load times
Our one-click install process has all your Web hosting app needs covered, making it easy to build, enhance and manage your site.
- Need a content management system (CMS) for your Website? Joomla and Drupal are just a click away
- Maybe you want to sell products on your website. Try Magneto with one-click.
Powerful hosting made easy
With its user-friendly control panels featuring cPanel®, our Hosting puts you in charge. And thanks to our award-winning data centers, lightning-fast load times and 24/7 monitoring, you know your site will always be safe, secure and online – guaranteed*.
Parallels Plesk for Windows
Each Windows plan includes:
- Parallels Plesk Panel: Easily manage your server, email accounts and more with this popular, award-winning control panel.
- Windows Server 2012: Take control of your hosting with Microsoft’s newest and most powerful server operating system.
- Free Applications: Instantly install over 70 applications on your website with just a few clicks.
Choose Windows if you’re going to use APS or ASP.NET. Our Windows hosting customers typically use a SQL Server (MS SQL).
- World-class data centers
- Best-of-Breed routers, firewalls and servers
- FREE email addresses
- 99.9% uptime guarantee
- One-click install of free applications
- Unlimited Monthly Bandwidth
- Flexible, easy-to-use control panel with cPanel for Linux
- Unlimited File Transfer
- 1 GB storage MySQL linux databases
- NO hidden fees
- 24/7 security monitoring and DDoS protection
We are located in just outside of Jackson, Mississippi, between Clinton, MS and Vicksburg, MS